Guest Tech Speaker Events

listen to the top tech minds of Silicon Valley

General Event Details

In addition to offering classes at local libraries, The Evergreen Engineering and Computer Science Society (EECSS) occasionally holds guest speaker sessions with some of the top tech minds in Silicon Valley. These sessions, also held at local libraries, are open to the public and are a valuable opportunity to listen to and converse with professionals in engineering fields who have extensive academic and industry experience. Also be sure to stick around for the Question & Answer session after the event! Below are some past guest speaker events as well as planned events for the future. Be sure to RSVP by emailing to save a spot!

First Guest Speaker Event: Dr. Hamid Rategh

At the Evergreen Branch Public Library on Saturday, October 3rd at 1:15 PM.

Event Details

The Evergreen Engineering and Computer Science Society (EECSS) presents its first guest speaker event featuring Dr. Hamid Rategh. Come to the event to hear: Dr. Rategh's experiences as a student, teacher, and professional, and his story to success.

About the Speaker

Dr. Hamid Rategh was born in Iran and received his undergraduate education in Electrical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology. He later moved to the US for his MS in Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. He has taught as a part-time professor at Stanford University, and is currently the Vice President of Engineering at GenapSys Inc., a Bay Area located biotechnology company.